Solar Pool Heating Systems
![Solar Pool & Hot Tub Heating System](assets/uploads/pool_heating.png)
Solar Heating System for Pool & Hot Tub
To heat a swimming pool with solar requires a solar collector surface area that is between 60 and 100 percent of the surface area of the pool depending on the climate and on how many months of the year the owners wish to use the pool. In general, more square footage allows owners to have a warmed pool in cooler seasons.
Solar Pool Heating can substantially lessen your overall pool heating costs. Not only is a solar pool heater cost-competitive with both gas and heat pump pool heaters, but they also have minimal annual operating costs. In many climates, solar pool heating is the most cost-effective use of solar power.
In pool systems, the swimming pool serves as the storage tank, and the pool's filtration pump circulates the pool water through the collectors. An unglazed flat plate collector, such as the SunEarth Oasis, is typically used in solar pool heating systems. A pool cover or blanket also reduces the heat loss and helps maintain warm pool temperatures for a longer period.
A backup heater is rarely needed for swimming pools, but is required to achieve the higher temperatures needed for hot tubs and spas.
Most solar pool heating systems include the following:
- A solar collector -- the device through which pool water is circulated to be heated by the sun.
- A filter -- removes debris before water is pumped through the collector.
- A pump -- circulates water through the filter and collector and back to the pool.
- A flow control valve -- an automatic or manual device that diverts pool water through the solar collector.
To heat a pool with solar requires a solar collector surface area that is between 60% and 100% of the surface area of the pool dependent upon the climate and the duration of the year the owners wish to use the pool. In general, more square footage allows owners to own a warmed pool in cooler seasons.
In pool systems, the pool is the storage tank, and therefore the pool's filtration pump circulates the pool water through the collectors. An unglazed flat plate collector, like the SunEarth Oasis, is often utilized in solar pool heating systems. A pool cover or blanket also reduces the warmth loss and helps maintain warm pool temperatures for an extended period.
A backup heater is rarely needed for swimming pools but is required to attain the upper temperatures needed for hot tubs and spas.
Heating your swimming pool with a solar pool heater can potentially extend your swimming pool season up to 12 months depending on where you live.
To find out how long you can extend your swimming season using a solar pool heater use the map above to determine your pools zone number and the table below to discover just how long you can extend your swimming season.