Oasis PP Pool Collector
The Oasis PP pool heating collector – the first choice for solar professionals, engineers and specifiers.
The Oasis PP is SunEarth’s market leading pool and spa heating collector. The Oasis PP is manufactured from a high temperature polypropylene copolymer plastic material with decades of field-tested reliability.
This rugged and affordable collector has been specifically engineered by SunEarth for commercial swimming pool applications, but is equally at home in any residential application. The Oasis PP is the state-of-the-art choice for America’s solar pool heating professional contractors.
SunEarth Oasis PP - Add a Row Kit
Used when more than one row of collectors is to be installed.
The kit contains additional hold-down hardware, connecting parts, and adapters.Use one (1) kit for each collector row after the first.
- One Vacuum Relief Valve
- One Outlet Header Hold-Down Bracket Assembly
- Four Hold-Down Strap Clamp Assembly
- One End Cap
- Two Pipe Adapter
- Two Hold-Down Strap Bracket
- Two Systen Connector Hoses
- Four Hose Clamps