Empire Series Black Paint Liquid Flat Plate Collector

Black Paint Liquid Flat Plate Collector

Empire Series Black Paint

The SunEarth Empire Series Collector is available in either a black chrome (EC) or black paint (EP) absorber coating.

ABSORBER PLATE AND PIPING The black paint absorber shall consist of a roll-formed copper plate of no less than 0.008-inch thickness. Risers shall be a minimum of 0.50 inch O.D. Type M copper tubing on no more than 4.56 inch centers continuously soldered to the plate utilizing a non-corrosive solder paste with a melting point of 460o F. The risers shall be brazed to 1.125” O. D. Type M copper manifolds (0.875” O.D.

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The Empire Series Liquid Flat Plate Collectors – The Solar Professional’s First Choice

America’s leading distributors and contractors have made the SunEarth Empire Series liquid flat plate collectors the solar professional’s first choice.  The Empire Series has everything that professional contractors demand in a solar collector: sleek appearance, high performance, versatility, ease of installation, and rugged field-tested durability. SunEath’s Empire Series collectors have over thirty-seven consecutive years of engineering and design experience built into every product.  The Empire Series collectors define quality and value in the North American market. The Empire collectors’ versatility make them the best choice for residential, multi-family or commercial systems. Large diameter Type-M copper riser tubes allow the Empire collector to be used in glycol forced circulation, drainback, or open-loop system configurations depending upon the climate and application.

Available with either 1” or 1.5” internal headers, the Empire makes multi-family and commercial projects simpler to design, install, and maintain. The Empire’s large commercial headers allow more collectors to be safely installed in a bank while continuing to accommodate normal expansion and contraction in the fully plumbed array.

SunEarth Empire Series collectors come in four sizes with a choice of two high performance absorber coatings. Including our two commercial collectors, the Empire Series is available in twelve models.
Solar water heating should never be a gamble. With SunEarth’s Empire Series collectors professional contractors rest easy. They know their customers will enjoy trouble free and persistent energy savings for many years to come




The Empire Black Paint (Moderately Selective Black Paint) Collector (EP Series) has an absorber coating of moderately-selective black paint, containing a minimum absorptivity of 94 percent and a maximum emissivity of 56 percent. The instantaneous efficiency of the collector shall have a minimum Y-intercept of 0.726 and a slope of no less than -0.910 BTU/ft2. hr.oF.

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