
AB 1208 (Ting) - This is a CALSSA-sponsored bill that would protect consumers from a little-known Utility Users Tax (UUT) for the solar electricity they generate at home or business. This bill moved through the Assembly, passing two committees and the Assembly floor. It now begins the same route through the Senate. SPONSOR

SB 288 (Wiener) – This is another CALSSA-sponsored bill that was gutted in Senate Appropriations, stripping it of its core components opposed by utilities including the prohibition on discriminatory fees and charges for solar and storage consumers. The bill is now in the Assembly and we are still in discussions with the author about how to put the “rights” back in the Solar Bill of Rights.  SPONSOR
SB 255 (Bradford) – This bill would mandate that all solar and storage companies with annual revenue above $15 million (and not just contractors) adopt supplier diversity goals and report them to the CPUC annually per yet-to-be-determined rules. CALSSA fully supports the goals of supplier diversity but is seeking a voluntary reporting option and a different entity to report to, similar to other non-CPUC regulated businesses in California.  SUPPORT IF AMENDED 
AB 520 (Kalra) – This bill would require prevailing wage for all building projects, including new solar homes that receive ratepayer or other forms of incentive money above $275,000. The requirement is not limited to traditional public works projects and would render the state’s new solar homes mandate unworkable with energy storage. OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED
SB 524 (Stern) – This bill would require the CPUC to adopt minimum hiring requirements from approved apprenticeship programs for all energy efficiency projects that receive $50,000 or more in incentive funds. The bill could impact the solar thermal industry. OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED
SB 774 (Stern) - This bill, as currently written, would give IOUs exclusive ownership of microgrids. CALSSA is working with the author to modify this bill so as not to give IOUs exclusive rights to clean energy. 
AB 56 (Garcia, E.) – This bill would create a new state entity to act as a “central buyer” of electricity.  All costs associated with the purchase of this central buy would be passed along to consumers, including explicit mention of charging "nonbypassable fees" to self-generation customers further harming the value of NEM. OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED
AB 1144 (Friedman) – This bill would allocate 10% of SGIP funds in the 2020 calendar for the installation of energy storage and other eligible distributed energy resources for customers that provide critical infrastructure to communities in high fire threat districts to support resiliency. CALSSA is wishing to work with the author to maximize the intent of this bill and minimize overlap with ongoing proceedings at the CPUC. 
AB 961 (Reyes) – This bill would have directed the CPUC to develop, prioritize, and prefer nonenergy benefits (NEBs) in all clean energy and energy efficiency programs. The bill was held in Assembly Appropriations Committee. CALSSA was in full support and will seek opportunities to work with the author and her sponsor, Greenlining, to seek new opportunities to achieve the goals of the bill.HELD
AB 854 (Mayes) – This bill would have given electricity customers representation on the Imperial Irrigation District board of directors. It died in Assembly Appropriations. HELD
SB 772 (Bradford) – This bill would have required CALISO to solicit for 2.4 GWs of long-duration storage projects, namely a controversial pumped storage project near Joshua Tree National Park. The bill would have distorted the market and harmed competition. It failed to pass the Senate. HELD

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