

Hundreds of bills sit on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk with a deadline to sign, not sign or veto hanging over his head.

In his latest action Wednesday, October 4, 2017, the governor signed 20 bills and vetoed five. AB 797 by Assemblymember Jacqui V. Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) – Solar thermal systems, a bill we’ve all been watching was signed into law!

The bill extends consumer incentives for solar thermal technologies that heat water and air using the sun’s energy, reducing natural gas use in homes and buildings. The bill is part of the state’s ongoing efforts to meet greenhouse gas reduction goals, improve air quality, and support economic development.

‘Using California’s warm sunshine to do something as simple as heating water is sensible for our state and a key way to protect public health, clean up our air, and support local good-paying jobs,’ said Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks), author of the bill.

AB 797 will extend the existing California Solar Initiative (CSI)-Thermal program for two years to 2020, seamlessly continuing the natural gas rebate program for homes, businesses and commercial swimming pools, such as at schools and community centers.

‘The California solar thermal market is growing, especially in the multifamily housing sector – with 32% annual growth between 2015 and 2016 in annual natural gas savings,’ said Kelly Knutsen, Senior Policy Advisor of the California Solar Energy Industries Association, a cosponsor of AB 797.

Solar thermal projects installed under the CSI-Thermal program reduced natural gas use across the state by over 5.8 million therms each year, equal to the annual amount of natural gas used to heat water for over 32,000 homes. The program has offset over 31,000 metric tons of CO2(eq) annually, comparable to taking over 6,500 cars off the road each year.


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